XC Chelsea Masters’ Summer Activity Challenge! 

Join the XC Chelsea Masters’ Summer Activity Challenge! 

What is the summer activity challenge? Well, it changes every week as a different XCCM member sets the challenge! We’re already playing outside anyway, so let’s do something together, even though we’re apart.

  • Each week, one member will offer up a challenge for the rest of the group to try.
    • Challenges could include: any activity (hiking, biking, swimming, planking (ouch!)…) a delicious combination (running and La Cigale, anyone?); as a one-off event (hike the Wolf Trail), or a weekly accumulation (70,000 steps?). We know XCCM members are creative 😉
  • Members: post your picture/story on your favourite social media site: XC Chelsea Masters’ Facebook page, Strava, Instagram… wherever you are! Don’t forget to tag it with #XCCMSummerChallenge!

Here are some more ideas but feel free to go your own way:

Gatineau Park Loop One Day/Week Cycling Challenge
1, 2, 3 loops – how many have you got? More than Heather Tkalec??

Roller Ski Challenge
Variety is the name of the game! Within 7 days, points given for use of both styles, distance logged, number of bridges crossed (proof needed), number of stops at coffee/ice cream shops with skis on (definitely proof needed 😉 ).

Epic Gatineau Park Hike
Do you have more than 20 km in you? Hike the Wolf Trail? (What’s Sara Rykov up to?) Post a picture on FB of an object/place on your hike and invite members to guess what and where it is.

Solstice Challenge
Pick a day, start an outdoor activity at sunrise of that day, stay outdoors all day mostly active, and be involved in an outdoor activity when the sun sets. Best pictures win!

Swim Challenge
Log more swims at Meech Lake than Brian Ray?

Or perhaps… a Baking Challenge?
Post a picture on FB of something you baked that looks as tasty as what Ray Canton posted.

Peter Ostrom will coordinate the challenges over the summer months. Please email him your challenge at [email protected] with the following information:

  • The name of your challenge as well as the details.
  • Sharing suggestions How will members let everyone know they’ve completed a challenge? (Write a comment? Share a picture? Draft a haiku?)
  • Your name (unless you wish to remain anonymous!)