Fall Strength with Mike from Evolve S+C


See full details below. Registration is directly on the Evolve website:

Use the following link: Evolve S+C , go to the ONLINE STORE and select XCCM Dryland. (create an account if required)



Mike Patone at Evolve Strength and Conditioning (953 Somerset Street West, Ottawa) is offering Thursday Strength Training.

COVID-19 measures:

    • Face coverings are mandatory the entire time within the facility.
    • Participants must be fully vaccinated.
    • There is a limit of 12 participants

In the event that the gym is forced to close again, the program will move to a Remote format.

Under the supervision of Mike Patone, strength coach and owner of Evolve Strength and Conditioning, you will follow a phased, structured strength training program designed to improve your joint mobility, flexibility, and build strength. The practice will start at 7 and will involve dynamic activation exercises, strength circuits, and recovery rolling. During the practice, you will receive instruction and individual supervision. The training goals will be to build joint strength, specific ski strength, and avoid injury. Bring your water bottle, snacks, dry clothes for after, your own towel, and dress for weight training.

  • Start: September 16th
  • End: December 16th (14 weeks)
  • Time: Thursday 7 pm
  • Participants: Max 12
  • Price: $435.05  (ie: $385 + tax)

If the Thursday program sells out, we can explore the option of adding another timeslot.

Register using the following link: Evolve S+CÂ