Facebook Group Code-of-Conduct Policy

The purpose of the XCCM Facebook group is to provide a place for members to share with others their xc ski news, photos, and ski outings. Please follow the Code of Conduct for posting to this Facebook Group.


This Code of Conduct is intended to facilitate positive sharing and communication within this group, on Facebook, and in all other communications. It is not intended to be an exhaustive comprehensive list to address all possible issues and scenarios. When posting and commenting on Facebook, please apply these basic posting rules and etiquette.


  1. Post content that is relevant to the group.
  2. Use appropriate language. Swearing is prohibited. (This includes the use of characters such as *** to replace letters in writing.)
  3. Personal attacks, insults, shaming, humiliation and defamatory statements are prohibited.
  4. Do NOT intentionally create discord. At the discretion of the group admin, this behaviour may be considered trolling. Any member deemed to be a troll will be removed from the group.
  5. Do NOT post prohibited content. Prohibited content will be removed and the member removed from the group.
  6. Content designed to invite members to activities in competition with club activities
  7. Graphic or disturbing photos, videos, and other media
  8. Anything illegal or eluding to committing criminal activity
  9. Pornography, vulgarity, obscenity or sexually explicit content e. Threats, harassment, personal attacks, insults, and defamatory statements
  10. Hate speech and comments that discriminate or perpetuate hate on the grounds of race, ethnicity, age, gender identity, sex, sexual orientation (or another characteristic)
  11. Content that could be considered, “advertisements”, “spam” or any unsolicited commercial advertisement. Any content that does not comply with the posting rules and guidelines above may be removed.


  1. Be respectful, positive and courteous. You do not have to agree, but remember to be friendly, fair and use common sense.
  2. Avoid yelling. The use of ALL CAPS is perceived as yelling.
  3. Limit your posts. Posting multiple times or too frequently on the same topic is not polite or acceptable.
  4. Take “chats” offline. If you are going back and forth with other individuals on a matter whether positive or negative, is getting heated, or is exclusive to others in the thread, take this conversation offline.
  5. Respect other people’s privacy. Do not include or reference personal information in posts such as private dialogue, unless otherwise agreed to by that party.
  6. Do NOT use XC Chelsea Masters as your own Facebook page. Posts to promote your opinions, business, service, cause or event are not appropriate.