XCCM Biathlon

As an option to Saturday programming, in conjunction with the Biathlon Coordinator/Chelsea Nordiq, on Saturday, October 21 our regular Saturday dryland program will have a Biathlon option. Thanks to Holly and Brian who worked on this.

  • What: XCCM Biathlon, using Chelsea Nordiq’s new Laser guns. A Chelsea Nordique member will run the session.
  • Where: Chalet des Erable/Biathlon Range, Camp Fortune, Park in the Camp Fortune Lower Parking lot (not up by the Chalet des Erables)
  • When: Saturday, October 21: 8:45 meeting at Chalet des Erables (https://maps.app.goo.gl/KNvMC9RNuBGirDby5). Β 
    This is about a 10 minute walk from the parking lot. Non Biathlon participants to meet there too.

In order to participate, you must do two things in this order:

XCCM Club is picking up the cost of the Biathlon session. If you wish to participate, you must sign up by Wednesday Oct 11 at noon. If you do not sign up by then, it is assumed you will participate in regular Sat Program. After noon on Wednesday October, any other non-Saturday club member may sign up for any remaining spots. The shop will close on Wednesday, October 18 at noon. There are 20 openings for each time slot.

When you are not on the range, a coach will conduct a modified training program. Roller skiing may not occur that day, depending on how may Biathlon enrollees there are.

Please direct any questions to:
Peter Ostrom
XCCM Athletic Director