1.) Peter Hamilton, Vahti and Madshus:ย is offering to wax skis, classic (glide and grip) and skate (glide) for a fee of $60 each event. You can drop the skis off for Peter at the FreshAir Experience Tent at registration, by 8 pm Friday (classic) and 8 pm Saturday (Skate). The waxed skis can be picked up after 6:30 am the morning of the race at the FreshAir Experience tent. Cash please to PeterH. If you intend to use this service, please send a brief email to Peter so he can anticipate numbers.
2.)ย Cottel Garage Wax Night: During the evening of Thursday, February 14 at 7 pm, Ed and Cathy Cottel have kindly offered their garage for waxing, led by Peter Hamilton. You can wax your own skis under the guidance of Peter and Ed and have access to club waxes and benches. There is a limit of 12 people. If you are interested, please sign up on the XCCM website.