Message from the NCC

We received the following message from the NCC to share with our members:


We received some feedback from the public stating that some members of groups or clubs are not being courteous or in control of their speed on the trails.

As we are reaching the end of the season with a less significant volume of users, racing or doing intervals can be tempting, especially as a big group ; however, we ask you to remain respectful towards the other skiers and to respect sharing the trails.

As a reminder:

– descending skiers have right of way;

– always ski to your right when meeting oncoming skiers;

– do not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible to others;

– do not ski over classic tracks;

– always ski in control to be able to stop or avoid obstacles.

We plan to extend the season. The trails will stay open as long as the weather and snow conditions will permit. End date tbd.