Saturday WISTE (Warmup, Intervals, Strength, Technique, Endurance)
Why Is Skiing Totally Enjoyable is because one gets better at it every time. These sessions include a warm-up, intervals, strength exercises, technique drills, ending up with a paced ski and warm-down. The goal is for participants to improve their confidence and performance levels, and enjoy taking on personal challenges during the ski season. For example, the program encourages skiers to participate in the Gatineau Loppet along with their fellow XCCMers. The first two months will be ramping up training intensity, with the last month focusing on fitness and technique continuous improvement. The program alternates weekly between skate and classic but may change depending on snow and weather conditions. Sessions later in March could involve special activities such as crust skiing or ski orienteering. Participants are invited for coffee afterward at Les Saisons, XCCM’s “Clubhouse” in Chelsea.
Max 60, Cost $220 + tax
- Jan 4 to Mar 22 (except Feb 15)
- Feb 15 – midterm break for participation in the Gatineau Loppet
- 8:30 am – 11:30 am in Gatineau Park
Why Is Skiing Totally Enjoyable is because one gets better at it every time. These sessions include a warm-up, intervals, strength exercises, technique drills, ending up with a paced ski and warm-down. The goal is for participants to improve their confidence and performance levels, and enjoy taking on personal challenges during the ski season. For example, the program encourages skiers to participate in the Gatineau Loppet along with their fellow XCCMers. The first two months will be ramping up training intensity, with the last month focusing on fitness and technique continuous improvement. The program alternates weekly between skate and classic but may change depending on snow and weather conditions. Sessions later in March could involve special activities such as crust skiing or ski orienteering. Participants are invited for coffee afterward at Les Saisons, XCCM’s “Clubhouse” in Chelsea.
Max 60, Cost $220 + tax