Who are we?
The XC Chelsea Masters is a club for both competitive and recreational masters cross-country skiers (i.e., age 30, give or take a few years, and up) run by local coaches in Chelsea, Quebec and Ottawa, Ontario. The club offers a structured training program that is designed to bring masters skiers to a fitness level and technical ability that will allow them to improve their performance in ski races of short and long distances, ski loppets, touring events and recreational skiing. Many masters join in order to get in shape for the Gatineau Loppet or the Canadian Ski Marathon. Others simply want to get in shape for the ski season and learn to be better skiers.
Who can join?
To join the club and participate in the regular programming — such as Tuesday and Saturday dryland, Tuesday and Saturday ski practices, Strength Training for Masters at Evolve Fitness, Fall Roller Skiing and Winter Skate and Classic Ski Clinics — we recommend that you have at least have a minimum of one year of experience skiing, either classic or skate. We will not be able to teach you how to ski at our regular practices. You also need a minimum level of fitness. You should be able to sustain two hours of continuous aerobic activity in zone 1 or 60% of your max heart rate, be able to perform interval training, and be able to perform regular strength training, including exercises such as push-ups, core exercises, squats, deadlifts and assisted pull ups, without risk of injury.
To learn how to ski or have your learning supported by video analysis, sign up for a specialized XCCM clinic. You may also try a private ski lesson with one of our great coaches or contact the City of Ottawa or Gatineau regarding their ski lessons.
I’ve joined, now what?
During practice, members divide up into ability groups. Members self-select according to the following criteria:
Fast (I have ski experience, but would like to have more guidance with technique and/or cardio – I accept the challenge: let’s go! )
- Ski and Fitness Abilities – Able to skate ski at a basic level: (one skate, offset, etc.) and/or classic ski (diagonal stride), need to improve technique and fitness levels, not focused on racing.
- Technique Sessions – Focus on basic techniques with multiple group drills. Lots of repetition and explanation for group. Less physical exertion and kms covered.
- Workout – Reduced number and length of intervals from those planned.
Faster (I want to go faster and apply my technique – Challenge me! I’m ready!)Â
- Ski and Fitness Abilities – Intermediate with decent fitness levels (maybe CSM, some loppets)
- Technique Sessions – Focus on intermediate techniques with multiple group drills. Lots of repetition, some stopping and explanation for group. More kms covered than in “Fast” group.
- Workout – Same as planned unless variations need to be applied to the majority of the group.
Fastest (I am a competitive skier with experience on skis – Bring it on! I can handle this! )
- Ski and Fitness Abilities –Intermediate to advanced skills with high fitness levels (multiple loppets and or CSM during the season)
- Technique Sessions – Skiing consistently in appropriate terrain while technique tips and personal feedback offered on the fly. Some group feedback. More challenging techniques with repetition (ie. downhill, uphill, hill speed corners etc.). Limited stopping and explanation. Â
- Work-out – Same as planned.
Additional Guidelines
- Participants can be in different groups on different days, depending on their abilities in skating or classic techniques, etc.
- If there is an imbalance in numbers, coaches may request some participants move from one group to another.
- The suggested intervals are targeted to the fastest group, and the coaches of the other two groups will propose a variation of the workout based on the feedback from participants.
- Coaches will provide feedback and support during the intervals either by standing on the side of the trail or by skiing within the group.
Club Objectives:
- To develop and promote Masters racing
- To encourage and promote cross country skiing as a lifelong sport and one of the best activities for adults to stay fit and active
- To support the cross country ski community at large, including Cross Country Canada, in the promotion of the sport for recreation and competition
- To help promote the protection of our parks, green space, and wilderness for low impact recreation such as cross country skiing
What do we do?
In the summer, our group training sessions may involve cycling, swimming, trail running, strength, roller skiing, and other activities like kayaking and mountain biking. In the fall, the dryland session activities include ski walking, ski bounding and running intervals, core and general strength, plyometrics, yoga for recovery and roller skiing. In the winter, the on-snow session activities include technique instruction on skis, intervals, endurance skiing, speed work, and ski specific strength. Both seasons will include Max Heart Rate testing for determining your training zones, video analysis, club time trials or fun races, and social events like potlucks. Other activities include waxing clinics, nutrition sessions, mental training and yoga! Most of all we get really fit and have a lot of fun doing it!
In addition, the XC Chelsea Masters offers the following:
- Access to the club’s dryland training equipment
- A fall dryland training camp in October with training and social activities from Friday evening to Sunday evening
- An early winter on-snow training camp in early December
- Thursday evening strength sessions
- Sunday morning roller ski sessions
- Social activities (e.g. pub nights, guest speakers, potlucks, ski potlucks).
- A destination race in February or March