Below are the policies and guidelines for the club. Click to go directly to a particular item.
- COVID-19 Guidelines
- Refund Policy
- Policy for Use of XCCM Club Roller Skis
- Privacy Policy
- Safe Sport Policies and Guidelines
- XCCM Facebook Group code-of-conduct Policy
COVID-19 Guidelines
At present, there are no restrictions or guidelines by the provinces of Ontario and Quebec on participation in training and skiing. Should circumstances change, the Club will communicate any new guidelines to members. Since XCCM runs programs in both Quebec and Ontario, in addition to everyone having to follow the rules from their local governments based on their place of residence, XCCM will at all times abide by both sets of provincial rules and guidelines enshrined in law or otherwise in place for protecting health and safety. When a difference between rules or guidelines is identified, we will adopt the more conservative approach.
In short, we ask that members abide by public health guidelines including not attending practice if they are feeling ill. Members who test positive for Covid-19 should also follow public health guidelines on when it is safe to return to practice, and they may wish to inform the teammates that they had close contact with.
XCCM Board of Directors
September 28, 2022
Refund Policy
The XC Chelsea Masters (XCCM) is a not-for-profit organization with the objective of promoting the sport of cross-country skiing. This document is meant to articulate the principles used by the XCCM Board of Directors Board when considering requests for refunds of payments of fees for programs.
The XCCM Board of Directors will consider requests for refunds from members on a case-by-case basis.
Guidelines for refunds:
- Request for refunds will be considered for medical (including sports injuries) and extenuating circumstances and should be made as soon as the member is aware that they can no longer participate in the program.
- Full refunds will be considered if the member submits the request before the start of the program.
- Partial refunds will be considered on a pro-rated basis based on the merits of the request and when it is submitted to the Club.
- Membership fees are not refundable.
- In the event that a significant portion or the whole season is canceled on account of lack of snow or other conditions beyond the Club’s control, the Club will strive to refund members those portions of the fees that have not been expended on coaching or other matters.
- All requests should be made to [email protected], and will be discussed at the following XCCM Board-of-Directors meeting (approximately one a month).
Policy for Use of XCCM Club Roller Skis
The intent of this policy is to support XCCM members who are interested in trying rolling skiing or practicing roller skiing on their own, or participating in clinics and practices to learn how to roller ski. This policy is not meant to loan skis to members on a regular or repetitive basis. XCCM owns a number of pairs of roller skis which can be loaned under the conditions listed in this document.
- Requests will be directed to the Athletic Director.
- Coaches who are delivering roller ski clinics as part of the club programming have priority access to the full set of club roller skis.
- Coaches will pick up the roller ski equipment prior to the clinics or lessons from where they are stored.
- Coaches will return the equipment to the same place when not in use.
- Coaches will distribute the skis to participants at clinics or lessons and ensure the skis are returned to them at the end of the each clinic or event.
- XCCM members may borrow a pair of roller skis from the club for their own personal use on an occasional basis for up to 3 days on a first come first served basis.
- The roller skis will be returned to their storage location after the loan period.
- If the roller skis are required for a club activity, members will be asked by the Athletic Director to return the equipment in time.
- Anyone loaning skis should stop using the equipment if they notice any malfunctioning or damage.
- They will notify the Athletic Director of the problem upon return of the equipment. This is important to ensure everyone's safety.
- Other requests for loaning XCCM roller skis will be directed to the Athletic Director for a case-by-case assessment.
XCCM Roller Ski Inventory, Oct. 12, 2016
Number of Pairs | Style | Binding | Brand |
1 | Classic | NNN | Swenor |
1 | Classic | NNN | V2 |
2 | Classic | Salomon | Elpex |
1 | Skate | NNN | Swenor |
1 | Skate | Salomon | F2 |
Total =6 |
Advancing a safe sport environment together
XCCM is committed to advancing a respectful sport culture that is inclusive, welcoming, fair, and provides safe sport experiences. This is a shared responsibility between all XCCM members, directors, coaches and volunteers.
Following Nordic Canada and XC Ski Ontario guidelines, XCCM has developed Safe Sport policies to promote physical, psychological, and social health, in line with the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport.
XCCM Safe Sport policies and procedures
Code of Conduct and Ethics
Safe Sport Policy
Athlete Protection Policy
Social Media Policy
Whistle Blower Policy
Discipline and Complaints Policy
Event Discipline Procedures
Screening Policy
Screening Policy-Appendices Only
Reporting Wrongdoing
XC Chelsea Masters pledges not to dismiss, retaliate, nor discriminate against anyone reporting, in good faith, an incident of illegal or unethical conduct.
Reports can be submitted in full confidence to the President, or alternatively to the Secretary or Treasurer. If you wish to report to a third party you may contact Laurie Ehrman ([email protected]) the official third party of XCSO. Reports can be delivered directly or via a third party, using any means that respects the level of anonymity desired. Refer to the Whistleblower Policy for more details.
Canadian Sport Helpline
This free helpline offers support to victims and witnesses of harassment, abuse and discrimination. This anonymous, confidential and independent service allows them to share and validate their concerns, obtain advice on the process to follow and be directed toward the appropriate resources to ensure a follow-up.