We are returning to Lake Placid to offer an out-of-town weekend to train and get together for fun. The quiet country roads are ideal as they provide many rolling hills and fantastic vistas for roller skiing. There is also a member-led hiking option this year.
Friday, Sep 20
- Â Arrival in Lake Placid, social dinner in town, for those who arrive in time.
Saturday, Sep 21
- Daytime:
- Roller Skiing – technique focus and video analysis and long ski (members bring their roller skate ski equipment) with Coach Dan
- Member-led hike on a local peak with Nicolette Frosst
- Evening: Group dinner – Possibly potluck, possibly local restaurant
Sunday, Sep 22
- Half-day group road ride or hike
Cost $100 for the Rollerski option. Cost $10 for Hiking Option. Members arrange their transport and accommodation